
We are pleased to provide links below to some fellow artisan friends of ours, and to some Highland Games we will be attending.

Please visit their sites, and let them know where you found out about them!

ASL And Sara Laughed

Pamela Kohler-Camp is a fantastic ceramicist (otherwise known as a potter). Her creations are things o’ beauty. 

Chest High Designs - T-shirts with an attitude Chest High Designs

Chest High Designs creates clothing designs that are funny, witty, and thought provoking!

LLS LadyLeatherSmythe

Rachel Yelton creates unbelievable leather goods. When we first met her, we told her that her work should be in the movies. They are that good!

LBP Lady BagPiper Pat

Pat Czar is YOUR bagpiper for hire. Need a piper for that special occasion? She should be your choice. 

SHG Sarasota Highland Games

The Sarasota Highland Games

CFHG Central Florida Highland Games

Held every year in January, this is one of the longest running Games in Florida. Come see us here, also.

SMHG Stone Mountain Highland Games

Held just outside the Atlanta area, at Stone Mountain Park, this is one of the premier Games in the Eastern coast. Come see us here in the Artisan Village.












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